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about me and the team


I'm a comic book artist,  visual communicator and magazine editor  based in the north of England.

I live with neurodiversity and the effects of complex-PTSD after emotional neglect as a child. I  work as the Spillustrate team, who work in a variety of styles and mediums. 


Spillustrate Team

Grey cat does the boring admin and layouts.

Susie is the office junior, does the drawings.

Sukey is 8 years old and is the beating heart and creative muse of the team. The team leader without actually saying very much. She makes the models.

The Octopus who is non verbal, works with patterns and textures and deals with the darker, emotional stuff.


The Spillustrate Team is currently working on the zine Series

I am Sukey, Hear Me Roar.


This website and blog are a commentary on and celebration of my artistic life and work.








Books I've found useful in dealing with the effects of complex-PTSD and neurodiversity

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