
Aug 20, 20212 min read
Role of pride and moving the goal posts
I’ve been feeling very driven this last 2 years. I decided at the end of the last level of my course that my overall ambition was to...
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Aug 5, 20212 min read
Anger / energy, reports and feedback
I’m full of anger at the moment. There are a couple of triggers which can set it off (criticism of my recent vegetarianism, the...
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Jul 22, 20211 min read
My "fortune telling" cards
So these are my “fortune telling” cards, now finished. I made 16 cards to remind me of all the ways I like to work. Sometimes when I’m...
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Jul 2, 20212 min read
Book launch or maybe not!
My current coursework requires that I create a project plan, deciding on a marketing strategy and mapping out my proposed timeline for my...
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