I’ve not done a post for quite a while.
Life gets busy and I have not had much time physically in my studio. I need to get on with my zine, it’s nearly finished but as ever, I always drag my feet as the end approaches.
But more importantly, I am feeling in a state of transition. (Not gender, just to be completely clear) No my transition is artistic / creative. My artistic journey has been very zig-zaggy. I started in Fine Art and then jumped around all over the place, exploring sculpture, ceramics, printing, then the degree in Visual Communications, pulling in textiles and animation experiments along the way. But I am out the other end of that course now, currently working on my graphic novel. But as I get further along with that, I am wondering where it will lead me to? Realistically I should be trying to promote it, sell it etc but at the moment, I don’t know that I am actually interested in trying that. I don’t see this as the start of a career as a comic book artist, it is more like the finish of doing something. One option, I finish Zine 6, start Zine 7, then print them out and then just send out copies to family members (very few of whom actually WANT to see them!) and leave it at that???
One thing I should do is maybe simplify my website, but that is a job I will probably put off indefinitely as well.
I’m in a state of change, but I have no idea where I am heading.......
