I was glad to do a review of last year, it took me ages to read through my journal and sum it all up but it was satisfying to think of the big steps I had made last year and I printed off the collage of images to help remind me, I always remember stuff visually much better than any other way.
Christmas is always a struggle but each year I get better at it. It doesn’t alter but I handle my feelings (the same feelings every year!!) better.
And now I’m in a huge energy trough with marked brain fog. Is this a virus? I know loads of people who were ill with viruses. Whatever it is I am finding any music practice a huge struggle and there have been 3 days in a row where I have done no practice at all. At the moment I am trying not to beat myself up for laziness or out of frustration. I am SO BORED. I have done lots of light reading but I just want to get back to “normal”.
This morning I decided to try very short practices, 10 mins at a time and have managed to do a little. I’m trying acceptance and tiny pushes forward to do little amount of things. If nothing else I am distracted from feeling crap for a while. I’m focusing on one important thing a day to get done and anything else is a bonus. Today I sent my riso cards for printing to Footprint Printers so that is a big tick.
