I feel that I am in a constant state of flux or change. Sometimes I wonder if I am really changing or am I just reading stuff, thinking “wow, that was really insightful, I’m really taking that on board” and then completely forgetting it all the minute I move onto the next book. When you don’t have good (parental) adult role models, books can be a very useful resource. I read a number of books on holiday which were very interesting although I’m wondering now if I can remember any of them!
Anyway, I’ve come back feeling very positive in myself.
My approach to my worst time of year (Christmas) is being much more open about it being a difficult time. It’s always hard to be open about it because if you are too open about finding xmas difficult, it can really annoy the people who fall into the “I LOVE xmas! How dare you be negative!” So I’m being careful about who I say it to. I am aiming for;
- remembering that overall I can enjoy it
- it’s just the gifts which can be tricky but I can get through that
- there are bits that I actually like
- avoiding the bits I hate (full shops, too many people and noise)
- and finally it is soon over all though we have full on family visitors the week after xmas which is nice but exhausting.
Moving on, I am preparing some designs for riso printing. I really like riso prints but they are complicated to prepare. I’m having to redo the Happy Family files I had already done. This is still very much a work in progress.
There are 8 images, all of which will need 4 PDF’s for black, red, blue and yellow inks. And each coloured ink has to be sent as black, clearly labelled. So in total I have to prepare 32 PDF’s. And at the moment I am working with photoshop, fiddling and refiddling the actual images, I need to stop endless nit picking and let them go.